Special Collections Department


Vlasta Stavbar, Ph.D., Head of the Local History and Special Collections Department
Phone.: (02) 25 07 434

Valerija Stopar
Phone: (02) 25 07 436

Gabrijela Kolbič
Phone: (02) 25 07 450

Dejan Kac
Phone: (02) 25 07 437

Karmen Salmič Kovačič, Ph.D.
Phone: (02) 25 07 472


Mon., Tue., Fri. od 8.00 to 15.00
Wed., Thur., od 8.00 to 17.00
every first Saturday in a month from 9.00 to 13.00

The UKM Local History and Special Collections Department collects, keeps and gives subjects headings to materials from the region of Maribor and North-East Slovenia. From its catalogues, classical or computer, it offers information from different fields of knowledge, events, individuals who were in the past or are today connected to the above mentioned region.

The users of the Local History and Special Collections Department can access several catalogues with around 815.000 bibliographic records.

Catalogues and their contents

  • card catalogue for materials from the older periodicals for Maribor and Styria as well as the bibliographic catalogue (Dornik’s file) 1850–1945 (140.000 records), which are in the Local History Department room;
  • card catalogue for materials from the older periodicals for Maribor and North-East Slovenia 1968-1986 (190.000 records), which are in the Local History Department room;
  • catalogue of materials from the newspaper Marburger Zeitung 1862-1945 on microfilms and in a card form (300.000 records), which is accessible in the Local History Department reading room;
  • computer catalogue for the period  1986-2000 -  a separate database COBISS/OPAC DOM/UKM- Domoznanstvo UKM (136.000 records).

The local history bibliographic database includes bibliographic records for the period 1945 to1963 and 1986 to 2000. It includes mostly articles from newspapers, leaflets, books of proceedings; monographs and other publications.

  • The computer catalogue of the current Slovene periodical for Maribor and for the period 2000 - Cobiss/Opac, UKM, includes articles and is being daily updated.

The materials, which have been part of the collection since 1998, can be found in COBISS/Opac, UKM.

The Cartographic Collection
constituted four independent central card catalogues already back in 1965. They can still be used today in the collection itself and are used as starting point for information on older materials.  
Since 1993 the bibliographic records are included in the local and in the union catalogue and can be found in COBISS/Opac, UKM.

The so called local history documentation is a rich source of data and information and a big help for numerous researchers, pupils, students, professors and everyone interested in Maribor and NE Slovenia. Next to information from periodicals and literature our users can also research in manuscripts, ephemera, postcards and photos and notes.