Access to EDUROAM – wireless educational network


Access to EDUROAM

Who can use EDUROAM:

  • Secondary school students and staff;
  • Faculty students and staff;
  • Staff of institutions, libraries and other research institutions.

You can also connect to the EDUROAM network with different appliances:

  • Laptops;
  • Tablet computers;
  • Mobile phones.

To connect to these networks you need:

  • An appliance with appropriate software and hardware;
  • User account for accessing the safe EDUROAM network.

You can get your user account from your central organization (where you go to school or to work) and you can use all the EDUROAM networks in Slovenia and abroad.

More on EDUROAM at:

Access to LIBROAM

Libroam is a system of using wireless networks in Slovene libraries and is based on the same technical standards as EDUROAM.  The use of LIBROAM is not limited to your central library; you can access this network in in any Slovene library that offers it.

How to connect to LIBROAM

  • Client settings
    You need to upgrade Windows with SecureW2. You can find detailed settings manual here.
  • Logging in:
    While logging in make sure you use  capital and small capital letters correctly. You can use LIBROAM if you are a library member, if you have no debts and if you don’t violate the rules valid for EDUROAM/LIBROAM.

    Username :, the nnnnnnn being your membership card number.

    The password is the same as for the Moja knjižnica/My Library service or LIBROAM. Make sure you use capital and small capital letters correctly. You can get the password at the circulation desk

Access to WifiUKM

Next to EDUROAM and LIBROAM you can also access to WifiUKM wireless network in UKM.

It is meant for the users who cannot access to LIBROAM/EDUROAM.

You need a username and a password to access WifiUKM network, which you can get at the information desk on the 1st floor. The password is valid for 30 days.

Instructions for WifiUKM connection.