
In accordance with the Law on Copyright and Related Rights, photocopying is allowed in the Library. The photocopy shop Sončna pot, d.o.o., is on the Ground floor.

Users can use a scanner in the Newspaper Reading Room on the 2nd floor.  It is meant for scanning materials from free access, mostly articles from recent volumes of periodicals. Scanning materials from stacks is possible only by previous appointment. Users should scan for themselves and save the scans on their USB sticks. Prior to scanning a password must be entered by the reading room attendant. Only smaller number of pages and only for personal research and education purposes according to the copyright law can be scanned. 

The UKM offers 6 microreaders for researching microfilms. Five of them are in the Newspaper Reading Room; one is in the Local History Department. The users can print the materials from microfilms in the Newspaper Reading Room; in the Local History Department they can also save the materials on a CD or USB stick.
