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What are copyright works?
Copyright works are individual intellectual creations in the domain of literature, science, and art, which are expressed in any mode. As copyright works are considered in particular:
- Spoken works such as speeches, sermons, and lectures;
- written works such as belletrist works, articles, manuals, studies, and computer programs;
- musical works with or without words;
- theatrical or theatrical-musical works and works of puppetry;
- choreographic works and works of pantomime;
- photographic works and works produced by a process similar to photography;
- audio-visual works;
- works of fine art such as paintings, graphic works, and sculptures;
- works of architecture such as sketches, plans, and built structures in the field of architecture, urban planning, and landscape architecture;
- works of applied art and industrial design;
- cartographic works;
- presentations of a scientific, educational or technical nature (technical drawings, plans, Sketches, tables, expert opinions, three-dimensional representations, and other works of similar nature).
Contents of Copyright
Copyright is an indivisible right to a work, from which emanate exclusive personal powers
(moral rights), exclusive economic powers (economic rights), and other powers of the author
(other rights of the author).
Copyright is declared as a human right and is guaranteed by the constitution.
What does the Copyright and Related Rights Act regulate?
The Copyright and Related Rights Act (ZASP) regulates the right of authors with respect to their works of literature, science and art (copyright) and the rights of performers, producers of phonograms, film producers, broadcasting organizations, publishers and makers of databases (related rights).
What is the aim of copyright?
The aim of copyright is to protect the spiritual and intellectual authors’ creations.
Who is an author?
An author is a natural person who created the work.
Origin of copyright
Copyright belongs to the author by the mere fact of creation of a work and no formal procedures need to be put in force. The work also doesn’t have to carry a special sign.
Copyright as a whole is the subject of inheritance.
What is moral copyright?
Moral rights shall protect the author with respect to his intellectual and personal ties to the work.
The Copyright and Related Rights Act (ZASP) regulates four moral rights: Right to the first disclosure, Right to recognition of authorship, Right to integrity of the work, Right to withdrawal.
What is the use of copyright works?
The use of copyright works means their reproduction (preserving and copying) as well as their public transmission, public presentation and availability to the public. For all the above stated the author’s permission is needed.
When does the copyright run out?
The copyright shall run for the life of the author and for 70 years after his/her death. Copyright in anonymous and pseudonymous works shall run for 70 years after the lawful disclosure of the work.
What use of copyright works is allowed?
Copyright works can, under specific circumstance, be used freely. A copyright work can be:
- remade (for example in a parody, caricature),
- cited,
- used for educational purposes.
Copyright works can, under some circumstances, be reproduced for personal reasons:
- photocopying of parts of a book;
- production of the so-called safety copies;
- the rightful user of software may produce two software safety copies at the most.
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