Kristina Šrot , Ph. D.
Phone: (02) 25 07 423 
Available every day from 8.00 to 14.00


The University of Maribor library organises and performs individual user education and education for groups of pupils, students and other library users. The education takes place in the Brede Filo Computer Room on the 1st floor. Except of the individual education all the other education takes place after previous appointment with the contact person.

UKM performs following forms of user education:

  • Individual education at registration;
  • Presentation of the library (with a film) by appointment;
  • Module education for pupils, students and other users. These modules include basic searching in the   COBISS/OPAC catalogue and in the electronic information sources as well as searching in electronic information sources for specialised professional fields;
  • Library information literacy for pupils;
  • Library information literacy for students and other users.

IZUM’s user education for the use of e-sources

List of courses:

Contact and registration: