Vlasta Stavbar, Ph. D.
Phone: (02) 25 07 434

Available every working day from 8.00 to 14.30,
Thursdays from 8.00 to 17.00,
or by appointment

The collection  is open:
Mon. -Thur..: from 8.00 to 15.00,
Fridays from 8.00 to 15.00,
every first Saturday from 9.00 to 13.00


The Rarities Collection is a part of the Manuscript collection. Its beginnings go back to the first years of the Library. The most important valuables of the University of Maribor Library are two incunabula – a Bible, printed in Venice in 1483 and a Bible, printed in Basel in 1495. The Library also has many valuable editions from the 16th century on:  a work by Titus Flavius Josephus Antiquitatum Iudaicarum libri XX, printed in Basel in 1554, Horace’s collected works, printed in Venice in 1514, Cicero’s collected works, printed in Basel in 1581, Vischer’s Topographia Ducatus Styriae, Graz 1681, Valvasor’s books Topographia Ducatus Carinthiae, Nürnberg 1689 and Die Ehre des Herzogthums Crain, Nürnberg 1689 etc.

Among the Slovene valuables there are three copies of Dalmatin’s Bible from 1584; in the same year the grammar book by  Bohorič  Arcticae Horulae was published, Šijarto’s  Mrtvecsne peszmi (1796), first edition of Volkmer’s Hvala kmetizhkege stanu in tobazhie trave (1807), Vodnik’s Pesme za pokushino (1806), an uncensored copy of Kreft’s novel  Človek mrtvaških lobanj, and a copy of Tanc’s Glasov iz teme.

The Old Periodicals Collection offers a quite complete collection of the firs Slovene and also German newspapers from Maribor and Styria. Real special are the editions of Krajnska čbelica, complete newspapers Marburger Zeitung, which was published in Maribor between 1862 and 1945, and Slovenski gospodar 1867 – 1941 as well as Slobodni Slovenec 1870-1871.

Old periodicalOld periodicalOld periodicalOld periodicalOld periodicalOld periodical