Bernarda Korez
Phone: 02 25 07 447

Available every day from 8.00 to 14.30,
on Wednesday from 8.00 do 17.00.



The University of Maribor Library manages bibliographies for the University of Maribor staff and also for others who have to pay for it according to the University of Maribor pricelist. On average 2-3 bibliographic unites can be created in one hour. Bibliography can only be created on the basis of genuine documents and not photocopies. The classification of bibliographic units is made in accordance with Tipology of Documents/Works for Bibliographies in COBISS System. Authors themselves specify the typology and are also responsible for the correct layout of their units according to the typology.

For creating a bibliography the authors have to provide following information:

1. Personal data because of the entry to the Authority database CONOR:
a. full name and surname of all authors (also co-authors);
b. date of birth of all authors  (also co-authors);
c. formal education and all (professional and amateur) fields of interest and working of all authors;
d. contact information of all authors (telephone numbers, e-address).
2. Following genuine materials (originals) have to be provided:
a. if monographs – the whole monograph (handbook, book, textbook…);
b. if an article - the whole journal, in which the article was published (if the data on journal counting are not stated at the beginning of the article);
c. if contributions in books of proceedings - the whole book of proceeding, where the article was published; 
d. if performed acts – certificate (invitation, catalogue) with full data  (title of the preformed act, authors, place, date, organisers) and
e. if Internet sources – link to the source.

By a previous appointment the materials for creating a bibliography can also be provided in PDF form.

1. Information on the Funding of the Publication

When a publication is produced with the support of project funding, the following information is required:

  • Funder
  • Funding programme
  • Name of the project
  • Project acronym
  • Project number

2. If the publication has incurred open access publication costs (APC, BPC, CPC, etc.), please also provide:

  • Publication cost from the publisher's account
  • Publisher
  • Actual cost of publication, including VAT
  • Payer

Questions, information:

Users with a researcher code from the ARRS official evidence or evidence number (provided by IZUM), can create their own bibliography. For all the others bibliographies are created in the Library.

Useful links:
Institut informacijskih znanosti IZUM
Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije ARRS
Osrednji specializirani informacijski centri (OSIC-i)
Faktor vpliva (JCR)
Web of Science
Pravilnik o postopkih (so)financiranja, ocenjevanja in spremljanju izvajanja raziskovalne dejavnosti