- About
- Frequently asked questions
- Searching, lending
- Services
- User registration
- Extension, reservation
- Subject specialists
- ČUKbox
- Adjusted library services for the disabled and users with special needs
- Remote access to e-sources
- Interlibrary Loan
- Pricelist
- Reproduction of the library materials
- User Education
- Renting the Glazer Hall
- Ask a Librarian
- Providing local history information
- Collections
- Cobiss+
- Electronic sources
- Austrian Library
- Librarianship Collection
- European Documentation Centre (EDC)
- Music and Film Collection
- Cartographic Collection
- General Maister's Library
- Glazer's Library
- Manuscript Collection
- Ephemera Collection
- Human Anatomy Model Collection
- PATLIB Centre
- Rarities and Old Periodicals Collection
- The Swiss Book Corner
- Local History
- Kisum
- Bibliographies
- Help
User registration
You can register in the Circulation Unit on the 1st floor during the week from 8.00 to 19.00 and Saturdays from 9.00 to 13.00.
Citizens of Republic of Slovenia and foreign citizens who are above fifteen years of age can become members of the University of Maribor Library. Foreign citizens without permanent accommodation in Slovenia need a guarantor. A guarantor can be an adult member of the library and a Slovene citizen; or a Slovene institution. Foreign citizens, who are students of the University of Maribor, and citizens of the EU who are students of other higher education institutions in Slovenia and who can prove it with a valid ID do not need a guarantor.
For registration you will need:
- Your photo in classic dimension 3,5x4,5 cm (not needed for the UM students)
- A valid identity document (identity card, passport or the new driving licence)
- Members older than 18 years need to pay the membership fee (see pricelist)
Furthermore you need:
- University of Maribor students: their student’s card or study certificate (the fee is paid at matriculation to the UM);
- Students from other universities and institutes: their student’s card or study certificate (they pay the fee at registration);
- Secondary school pupils: pupils’ card (until the age of 18.00 they are excused of paying the fee);
- Unemployed: Certificate of the Employment Agency (they are excused of paying the fee);
At registration all members (except the University of Maribor students) pay the fee for a new membership card (see pricelist).
With the registration to the UML or any other library at the University of Maribor you are automatically member of all libraries in the system.
Slovene citizens need a personal ID, foreign citizens a personal ID and a guarantor. With membership in one of the KISUM (University of Maribor academic libraries) you are automatically member of all libraries in the system.
Online registration
The University of Maribor Library also offers online enrolment with a registration form and online membership fee payment for all categories of members. Fill out the registration form at COBISS+ website with your personal data as it is written on your identification document.
Select and confirm the University of Maribor Library (Univerzitetna knjižnica Maribor) in a drop-down list.
Choose a type of enrolment – (1) using student identity (University of Maribor students only) or (2) using a registration form (other categories of members).
Fill out the form, confirm you agree with the Terms of use and settle an annual membership fee using the PPA online payment system (payment and credit cards, mobile telephony, online banks).
With online enrolment, membership fee is charged according to the valid pricelist.
- University of Maribor employees are exempted from membership fee payment,
- University of Maribor students have already settled membership fee upon enrolment at the faculty.
Unemployed persons, social support recipients and secondary school students under 18 years of age can only utilize exemption from membership fee payment upon a personal enrolment at the library. Persons who select a 3-month membership must also enrol at the library personally.
After 12 months, you can again settle the membership fee through My Library online service and so extend your membership.
After completing online enrolment and settling the membership fee, you can access our remote services:
- My Library online service,
- Reserving borrowed and ordering available materials,
- Subscription-based e-sources (University of Maribor employees and students only).
In case of difficulties, contact us at ukm@um.si.
The UM students can use their student’s card as a library card.
The membership card is non-transferable. Members are responsible for their appropriate use.