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Interlibrary Loan
Phone: + 386 2 25 07 421
e-mail: ill.ukm@um.si
Interlibrary loan is a payable service. The UKM attains materials from other Slovenian and foreign libraries for its members and partner libraries only and lends its own materials in print or electronic form to other libraries.
The service is payable according to the valid University of Maribor Library price list.
Excerpt from the price list:
Materials from other Slovene libraries:
book: 8,00 €;
article (up to 20 pages): 3,00 € (or the supplier’s price).
Materials from foreign libraries:
book: 20,00 € (in case of a higher set price, we contact the user);
article (up to 10 pages): 9,00 € (or the supplier’s price).
Article from the UKM materials:
3,00 € (up to 20 pages + 0,05 € every additional page).
Non-members who require our materials should contact a library, a member of which they are. The library will forward us your request, and we will meet it per our possibilities.
The service will be charged according to your library’s pricelist.
- you can order the materials with an online order form, via e-mail, personally at the library, or via online applications (My Library, UM:NIK);
- we only order materials that are not available in our library;
- we do not lend periodical publications - only a purchase of individual articles is possible;
- the order must contain the client’s data (name and surname, contact information, membership card number) and as much bibliographic information on the ordered materials as possible;
- expected delivery time is two days for delivery from Slovenian libraries and 10-14 days for delivery from abroad;
- loan periods are set by the supplying library and can generally not be extended;
- !for the orders sent abroad and for materials that are already in the shipping process, cancellation is not possible!;
- members who do not acquire the materials are not exempt from expenses payment;
- library members can borrow five items at once;
- members are obliged to follow the Copyright and Related Rights Act provisions;
- the member pays for interlibrary loan expenses at the UKM circulation desk upon materials’ acquisition. Payment is also possible via universal payment order (UPN) or an online bank;
- the Library holds the right to limit library and interlibrary loan in case of loan periods or other loan terms disregard;
- UKM also sends its materials to other libraries’ requirements – you can send the orders to ill.ukm@um.si;
- Slovenian libraries are issued an e-invoice, with foreign libraries we deal through IFLA vouchers;
- to other legal entities’ requirements, we send materials on the basis of a year-round or one-time order where a contact person to cooperate with the UKM must be listed.