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Tour and presentation by arrangement

Glazer`s library

With a new spatial acquisition and arrangement of Glazer's Library in 2019, the University of Maribor Library is richer for a book collection, documentary and manuscript legacy of its long-standing director, cultural worker, and poet of Maribor. The placement of Janko Glazer's personal library in a special place in the University of Maribor Library almost entirely follows the original placement of the library in its original environment, with minor adjustments. Thus, it came to life once again, this time as a public space for smaller events or book presentations and at the same time as a new space for in-depth studies conducted by individuals or small groups. With an arrangement between the director of the University of Maribor Library and the heirs, the library's librarian and manuscript legacy including the inventory and artwork was given into use to the University of Maribor Library with a deed of gift. With that, the University of Maribor Library committed to placing the library within its premises. Under the name of Glazer's Library the UML is responsible for its keeping, protection, and representation.