- About
- Frequently asked questions
- Searching, lending
- Services
- User registration
- Extension, reservation
- Subject specialists
- ČUKbox
- Adjusted library services for the disabled and users with special needs
- Remote access to e-sources
- Interlibrary Loan
- Pricelist
- Reproduction of the library materials
- User Education
- Renting the Glazer Hall
- Ask a Librarian
- Providing local history information
- Collections
- Cobiss+
- Electronic sources
- Austrian Library
- Librarianship Collection
- European Documentation Centre (EDC)
- Music and Film Collection
- Cartographic Collection
- General Maister's Library
- Glazer's Library
- Manuscript Collection
- Ephemera Collection
- Human Anatomy Model Collection
- PATLIB Centre
- Rarities and Old Periodicals Collection
- The Swiss Book Corner
- Local History
- Kisum
- Bibliographies
- Help
Adjusted library services for the disabled and users with special needs
Adjusted library services for the disabled and users with special needs
For assistance with materials search, turn to librarians on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floor. Students’ assistants can borrow library materials with a filled-out online authorization form and an identification document.
We can send the library materials to your home:
- books (order form)
- articles (order form)
You can also collect books from the ČUKbox.
Physically disabled:
- upon arrival at the library, ask the doorkeeper for assistance or use signposts in the lobby to orient yourselves.
Entry with a guide dog is allowed.
The blind and visually impaired:
- in the upper right-hand corner you can find an icon for reading adjustments,
- inscriptions in the Braille alphabet are next to the elevators on each floor,
- at the circulation desk on the 1st floor, a digital magnifier with background colour adjustment is available,
- you can scan texts with the Bookeye scanner on the 2nd floor (bring your own USB flash drive).
Entry with a guide dog is allowed. __________________________________________________________________________________
The deaf and hard of hearing:
- for participating in events, a hearing loop is available in the Glazer Hall,
- upon preannouncement, an interpreter from the Association of Slovene Sign Language Interpreters is at one’s disposal for library information interpreting.