dr. Bruno Hartman
Foto 1: dr. Bruno Hartman
20. September 2024

Thursday, 26 September 2024, 9 AM – 2.15 PM

Hall of Slovenska matica, Kongresni trg 8/I, Ljubljana

We are celebrating the 100th anniversary of the birth of Bruno Hartman, PhD (1924–2011) – a literary and theatre historian, playwright, translator, publicist, and librarian, a member of Slovenska matica and a long-time principal of the University of Maribor Library.

The symposium will serve as a reminder of his essential role in education, science, and culture. The contributions will focus on Hartman’s younger years in Celje, his work at Slovene National Theatre Maribor, his accomplishments in the fields of translation, science, and literature, and the impact he had on the development of Slovenian librarianship as the principal of the University of Maribor Library.

The symposium is co-organized by Slovenska matica and University of Maribor Library.