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ARMAMENT IS EVIL, NATO IS WAR: An Exhibition of Caricatures and Aphorisms
10. January 2025
Avla exhibition Hall
The exhibition by caricaturist Mitja Valentan and aphorist Gregor Preac opposes wars, weapons, armourers, war profiteering, and death. It aims to cultivate a critical perspective toward war, peace, life, death, caricatures, and aphorisms. It represents the synergy between illustrations and text, the artist and writer, and the observer and the reader. The exhibition celebrates wit, humour, irony, sarcasm, abstraction, and dark humour – while also exploring and advancing them.
According to the authors, these elements are the best tools (and weapons) for fostering critical thinking, reflection, and awareness of the meaning of our existence. The exhibition also serves as a prelude to the publication of an anti-war book of aphorisms accompanied by caricatures.
Open to visitors till 29th March 2025.
We kindly invite you to attend!