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Mateja Škofljanec
Subject specialist for languages and literatures, head of the Austrian Reading Room.
Following shelving UDC are in this collection:
81/811 | Languages |
811.11 | German languages |
811.111/811.111(73) | English/American English |
811.112 | German |
811.12 | Classic languages: Latin, Greek |
811.131 | Italian |
811.133 | French |
811.134 | Spanish, Portuguese |
811.14/811.14-0 | Greek |
811.162 | West Slavic languages |
811.163 | East Slavic languages |
811.163.6 | Slovene |
811.32= | Dictionaries |
811.5 | Asian languages: Chinese, Japanese, Korean |
811.511.14 | Hungarian |
82.0/82.01/82.03/82.08 | literary theory, stylistics, translations, rhetoric |
821 | World literatures |
821-93 | Youth literature |
821.111/821.111(73)/821.111(9) |
English literature/American literature/Australian literature |
821.112 | German literature |
821.12/821.124 | Classic literatures |
821.131 | Italian literature |
821.133 | French literature |
821.134 | Spanish, Portuguese literature |
821.134(8) | South American literature |
821.14/821.14-0 | Slavic literatures |
821.16/.17 | South Slavic literatures |
821.163.6 | Slovene literature |
You can search for the library materials in the local or in the cooperative library catalogue COBISS/OPAC.

Mateja Pongrac
(02) 25 07 471
Personal contact:
3rd Floor, every day from 8.00 to 14.30, or by appointment