Andrea Wulf: Iznajdba narave
Foto 1: Andrea Wulf: Iznajdba narave
17. September 2024

Friday, 27 September 2024, 5 PM

The garden of Medobčinsko društvo slepih in slabovidnih, Gospejna ulica 11, Maribor

In case of bad weather, the event will be held in Glazer’s Library in University of Maribor Library

The University of Maribor Library established a series of book discussions called Prebranke. We invite you to join us and help us shape the conversation.

We gather to talk about various genres – from fiction to popular science and technical literature. The books are carefully chosen by the bibliographers from our library, who also moderate the debates.

For the second meeting, the book The Invention of Nature: Alexander von Humboldt's New World by Andrea Wulf had been chosen. It will take us into the world of nature and adventure.

Become a part of our book club – we look forward to seeing you there!