Graphics of a female character
07. March 2025

Thursday, 13 March 2025, 5 PM, Glazer Hall 

For the 90th Remembrances event, two guests will be joining us: Sonja Lokar, a professor of French and sociology, a journalist and a researcher, a politician, and an activist in the international women's movement; and Dr. Lev Kreft, a doctor of philosophy, Slovenian politician, university professor, and researcher in the fields of aesthetics, political philosophy, ethics, and the sociology of culture. 
Every second death in armed conflicts in 2023 was a woman. Women's rights are the first casualty of war. Military historiography rarely even mentions women, and together with children, they fall into what S. Bauman called "collateral damage in a society driven by profit maximization." Women are absent from war declarations and peace negotiations—men make all the decisions. Wars have never liberated women, and the level of gender equality achieved in the eight decades since World War II is the result of the efforts of successive generations of women. However, many of their achievements are now in danger and some have already been lost. 
Wars are a current reality and society's indifference to their victims aligns with the deteriorating status of women. 
The 90th Remembrances event also marks twenty years since the first gathering on March 5, 2005, which was dedicated to the centenary of the birth of Academician Bratko Kreft, and at which Dr. Lev Kreft participated in the discussion. 

We look forward to your visit.