- About
- Frequently asked questions
- Searching, lending
- Services
- User registration
- Extension, reservation
- Subject specialists
- ČUKbox
- Adjusted library services for the disabled and users with special needs
- Remote access to e-sources
- Interlibrary Loan
- Pricelist
- Reproduction of the library materials
- User Education
- Renting the Glazer Hall
- Ask a Librarian
- Providing local history information
- Collections
- Cobiss+
- Electronic sources
- Austrian Library
- Librarianship Collection
- European Documentation Centre (EDC)
- Music and Film Collection
- Cartographic Collection
- General Maister's Library
- Glazer's Library
- Manuscript Collection
- Ephemera Collection
- Human Anatomy Model Collection
- PATLIB Centre
- Rarities and Old Periodicals Collection
- The Swiss Book Corner
- Local History
- Kisum
- Bibliographies
- Help
Subject specialists
Subject specialists take care of the choice of materials and their subject headings, we provide information from a specific professional field, cooperate with faculties and libraries of the University of Maribor, provide help for the research and study process and organize courses in information literacy.
The University of Maribor Library subject specialist and their subject fields:
Mateja Borak
Contact: |
Subject fields:
Silva Belšak
Contact: |
Subject fields:
Boža Janžekovič
Contact: |
Subject fields:
Dejan Kac Contact: (02) 25 07 437
Subject fields: |
Renata Močnik
Contact: (02) 25 07 440 |
Subject fields: Mechanical engineering
Miloš Petrovič
Contact: Tel.: (02) 25 07 432 |
Subject fields: |
dr. Karmen Salmič Kovačič
(02) 25 07 472 |
Subject fields:
Vesna Lorenc
Contact: (02) 25 07 444 |
Subject fields: |
dr. Vlasta Stavbar
Contact: (02) 25 07 434 |
Subject fields: |