Foto 1: Slovenian Book Days in Maribor
15. May 2024

Tuesday, 21 May 2024, 12:00, Book Exhibition Hall

The Slovenian Book Days Literary Festival in Maribor, with the slogan "When the Book Writes You," opens each year at the University Library Maribor.

This year's opening features the exhibition "On the Lookout for the Lookout" by Borut Gombač and Jerneja Ferlež at the Book Exhibition Hall.

Speeches will be given by Marja Guček, Director of the Maribor Youth Cultural Centre, Dr Vlasta Stavbar, as the representative of the University of Maribor Library, and a representative of the Municipality of Maribor.

During the event, the winner of the Vasja Cerar Award for the best translation of youth literature will be announced.

The event will be moderated by Petra Bauman and Nino Flisar and will be conducted in Slovene.

We look forward to your visit!