Erasmus Staff Training Week for Librarians Erasmus Staff Training Week for Librarians


Dear colleagues, dear Erasmus Coordinators, dear librarians,
we are delighted to announce that the University of Maribor Library will be hosting an Erasmus Staff Training Week for Librarians. The programme is scheduled from Monday 29th May to Friday 2nd June 2017.
The University of Maribor Library is organizing the Erasmus Staff Training Week for Librarians together with the University of Maribor. Please find enclosed a detailed programme.
The focus of the week is to present the Slovene library and information system and to introduce the University of Maribor Library services, user education, open access, LibGuides, DKUM, UM:NIK, repository and other specific librarianship topics. Participant will also give short presentation of their home libraries. A visit to a faculty library and a trip to the oldest Slovene town of Ptuj will also be organised.
The call is open till 18th April 2017. The number of participants is limited to 10. The selection procedure will be finished till 21st April 2017. We will inform you about your application.
We are looking forward to meeting you in Maribor,
Application form:
Contact: Mateja Škofljanec, E:

Vabilo na fotografsko razstavoŽivljenje je oder: fotografska razstava


Mariborski fotograf Teodor Veingerl se predstavlja s fotografijami ujetih podob uličnih predstav.
Odprtje razstave: torek, 7. marca 2017, ob 18. uri
Razstava v Avli bo na ogled do 1. aprila 2017

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Glazerjeva dvorana

MEDIJI IN NEOLIBERALNA KULTURA: predstavitev treh knjig založbe Aristej

V Zasedanjih s knjigami bodo predstavljene  knjige: Melita Zajc - Medijski pojmovnik, Zoran Medved - Naša televizija in Jim McGuigan - Neoliberalna kultura.

Sreda, 1. marec, 17.00

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BRALNI IZZIV: Srečko Kosovel

Bralni klub vodi Milena Avsec.

Četrtek, 2. marec, 17.00

Obvestilo o prehodu na aplikacijo Cobiss3/IzposojaPrehod na aplikacijo Cobiss3/Izposoja


Spoštovani uporabniki, zaradi prehoda na novo aplikacijo COBISS3/Izposoja od sobote, 25. 2., od 13. ure, do ponedeljka, 27. 2. 2017, do 8. ure ne bosta delovala lokalni katalog knjižnice COBISS/OPAC (iskanje, podaljšanje, rezervacije …) in oddaljeni dostop do elektronskih virov UM.

Prosimo za razumevanje.
