1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek

U OK 355.3(497.4)"1991 ":94(497.12)"1918"

Tomaž Kladnik: General Maister in oblikovanje slovenskih oboroženih sil v letih 1990­1991. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 82==47(2011), 2-3, str. 67-85

Avtor na podlagi proučevanja arhivskih virov obravnava oblikovanje oboroženih sil in vojaško delovanje v času Obrambne vojne, ko se je Teritorialna obramba iz drugoraz­redne rezervne vojske, podobno kot leta 1918 Maistrova vojska, preoblikovala v so­dobne obrambne sile in skupaj s slovensko milico, civilno zasčito in ob podpori pre­bivalstva, nastopila proti nasprotni strani samozavestno in popolnoma enakovredno ter zavarovala nastajanje in obranila neodvisnost slovenske države.

1.01 Original Scientific Article

UOC 355.3(497.4)"1991 ":94(497.12)"1918"

Tomaž Kladnik: General Maister and Formation of the Slovene Armed Forces in the Years 1990-1991. Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 82==47(2011), 2-3, pp.67-85

On the basis of studied archive materials the author discusses the formation of armed forces and the military activities in the times of the Defensive War, when the Ter­ritorial Defence turned from a second rate back-up army to a contemporary defence force - as it happened in 1918 with the Maister's army - and together with the Slovene militia, civil protection and with the help of citizens acted against the opponents with self confidence and as totally equal and in this way protected the independence of the Slovene state.