Letn.79 = n.v. 44, št. 1/2



  Kongresi in simpoziji - Congresses and symposia
Marko Jesenšek  Prvi slovenski tabor v Ljutomeru
  Razprave - studies
Miroslav Novak Elementi oblikovanja ljutomerske kulturne pokrajine do sredine 20. stoletja 
(The chosen milestones in the cultural values shaping of the residents of Ljutomer and its surroundings from the middle ages until the middle of the 20th century) 
Miran Puconja Vzhodnoštajerske (prleške) ljudskokulturne značilnosti kot sooblikovalke narodnopolitičnih gibanj
(The East-Styria (Prlek) public and cultural characteristics as co-shapers of the national political movements) 
Vincenc Rajšp Duhovnika Jožef Rogač in Božidar Raič v slovenskem narodnopolitičnem gibanju v šestdesetih letih 19. stoletja
(The priests Jožef Rajšp and Božidar Raič in the slovene national-political movement in the 60s of the 19th century) 
Stane Granda 1848 in 1868: problem kontonuitete in diskontinuitete
(1848 and 1868: problems of continuity and disconutinuity)
Matjaž Klemenčič Ideja Zedinjene Slovenije do vstopa Slovenije v šengenski prostor in položaj Slovencev v sosednjih državah
(The idea of a United Slovenia until entry into the Schengen area and the position of Slovenes in neighbouring countries) 
Bernard Rajh Pogledi na slovensko 19. stoletje
(A look at the slovene 19th century) 
Stanislav Kocutar Prvi slovenski tabor v zgodovinopisju
(The first slovene "tabor" meeting in the histography) 
Dragan Potočnik Sodobni pouk zgodovine - primer obravnave učne vsebine: prvi slovenski tabor v Ljutomeru
(The modern history lessons - an example of treatment of the teaching unit: the first slovene "tabor" meeting in Ljutomer)
Anton Ratiznojnik Vloga in pomen Božidarja Raiča v ljutomerskem narodnem gibanju
(The role and the importance of Božidar Raič for the development of the national awareness in Ljutomer and its surroundings) 
Zdenka Kresnik Odraz slovenskega narodnega prebujanja na ormoškem območju
(The reflection of the national awakening in the Ormož area) 
Ivan Rihtarič Kapelski tabor leta 1870
(The Kapela "tabor" meeting in 1870) 
Zinka Zorko Spodnjeprleško narečje
(The dialect of Lower Prlekija) 
Marko Jesenšek Slovenski jezik od malonedeljske besede do ljutomerskega tabora
(Slovene language - from Beseda in Mala Nedelja do "Tabor" meeting in Ljutomer) 
Natalija Ulčnik Jezikovne in vsebinske posebnosti poročevalskih besedil o slovenskem taborskem gibanju
(Distinctive features of language and content in contemporary reports of the Slovenian "tabor" meeting) 
Melita Zemljak Jontes Narečne značilnosti v izbranih besedilih Božidarja Raiča
(Dialectical characteristics in selected works of Božidar Raič) 
Mira Krajnc Ivič Besedilna analiza pasaž govorov prvega slovenskega tabora
(A text analysis of passages of speeches delivered upon the occasion of the first Slovenian "tabor" meeting) 
Simona Pulko Vprašanje slovenskega učnega jezika
(The issue of Slovenian as language of learning (second half of the 19th century)) 
  Bibliografija - Bibliography
Vlasta Stavbar Bibliografija o taborskem gibanju na Slovenskem 1868-1871 


Letn.79 = n.v. 44, št. 3/4



  Razprave - studies
Paola Korošec,
Iva Mikl Curk
Podjetnik, tehnolog in zbiralec - Sigilata o eni od hiš rimskodobnega Ptuja
(Entrepreneur, technologist or collector - Sigilata on one of the Ptuj houses from the roman period)
Boris Golec Najzgodnejša pričevanja o Primožu Trubarju, Omembe, podpisi in pečati med letoma 1526 in 1545
(The earliest testimonies of Primož Trubar, References, signatures and seals between 1526 and 1545) 
Jurij Perovšek Pogledi slovenske liberalne politike na oborožene sile Kraljevine SHS/Jugoslavije 1918-1941
(The points of view of the slovene liberal politics on the armed forces of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes/Yugoslavia 1918-1941) 
Jure Gašparič Odnos Slovenske ljudske stranke do Vojske Kraljevine SHS/Jugoslavije
(The relation between the Slovene people's party and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes/Yugoslav army) 
Mateja Čoh Ozadje sodnih procesov proti članom in podpornikom ilegalnih skupin v Sloveniji med letoma 1945 in 1952
(The backgrounds of trials against members and supporters of illegal groups in Slovenia between 1945 and 1952) 
Jure Gašparič Menjava političnih elit na Slovenskem po drugi svetovni vojni
(The change of political elites in Slovenia after the Second world war)
Miran Aplinc Razvoj usnjarstva v Šoštanju
(The leather industry development in Šoštanj) 
Alenka Valh Lopert Volkmerjeni germanizmi z vidika socialnozvrstnih oznak v današnjih slovenskih mormativnih priročnikih
(Volkmer's germanisms from the point of view of the social type denotations in the present-day slovene standard handbooks) 
  Ocene in poročila - Reviews and reports
Marjan Toš Sto let v kraljestvu Zlatorog 
Marjan Toš To ni otroška igra (Otroci med holokavstom - ustvarjalnost in igra)