1.01 Izvirni znanstveni clanek

UDK 94(497.12):341.222"1849/1918"

Vincenc Rajsp: General Maister in slovenska severna meja. Casopis I.a I.godovino in narodopisje, Maribor 82=47(201 1),2-3, str. 37-48

Prispevek obravnava nastajanje meje na Stajerskem, ki je leta 1918 postala razmejitvena erta med DrZavo Slovencev Hrvatov in Srbov in je obveljala kot drZavna meja do danes. [deja te mejne razdelitve je bila jezikovna meja, ki jo je kot mejo med Lavantinsko in Sekovsko skofijo predvidel celovski skof Auersperg v dveh predlogih za reformo sko­fijskih meja cesarja Jozefa II. Ideja jezikovne razdelitve je bila upostevana pri sodni in okrozni meji leta 1849 ter pri novi skofijski meji leta 1859.

1.01 Original Scientific Article

UDC 94(497.12)341.222"1849/1918"

Vincenc Rajsp: General Maister and the Slovene Northern Border. Review for II istory and Ethnography, Maribor 82=47(201 1),2-3, pp. 37-48

The article discusses the formation of the border in Styria which in 1918 became the de­marcation line between the State of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes and is still a valid state border. 1be idea of this border partition was the language border that was suggested as a border between the Lavant and the previous Sekova bishopric. 'lhese suggestions were prepared by the Klagenfurt bishop Auersperg for the Emperor Franz Joseph II.'s reform of the bishopric borders. 'Ibe idea of the language division was considered as the juridical and the district border in 1849 and as the new bishopric border in 1859.