1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 94(497.12Hotinja Vas)"1945/1947"

Rajmund Lampreht, Jernej Kirbiš: KLO Hotinja vas od osvoboditve leta 1945 do 1947. Potek obnove in dogodkov na ravni male kmečke vasi. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 82=47(2011), 4, str. 160–192

Hotinja vas je leta 1945 po umiku nemške vojske dobila enako upravo kot skoraj vsi drugi kraji na Slovenskem – Krajevni ljudski odbor. V samem kraju so se izvajali obnova, popis prebivalstva in prevzem/utrjevanje oblasti s strani Osvobodilne/Ljudske fronte.
Vas je bila majhna in je živela od kmetijstva, zato je za tamkajšnje prebivalstvo bilo izrednega pomena vse, kar je zadevalo kmetijstvo: od t. i. nabavk, obveznega odkupa pridelkov do agrarne reforme. Vas in Krajevni ljudski odbor je zaznamoval predsednik Anton Šobernik. Človek, ki je verjel v ideale, se za njih boril, predvsem za dobrobit sovaščanov. Šobernik je rešil marsikatero zadevo po mirni poti, kjer bi drugi že vključili nasilje. Marsikateremu sovaščanu je pomagal iz stiske. 

1.01 Original Scientific Article
UDC 94(497.12Hotinja Vas)"1945/1947"
Rajmund Lampreht, Jernej Kirbiš: The Local Peoples’ Committee Hotinja vas From the Liberation in 1945 until 1947. The Reconstructions and Events on the Small Provincial Village Level. Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 82=47(2011), 4, pp. 160–192

After the German troops pulled out of Hotinja vas in 1945 the newly established administration was similar to the other communities on Slovenian territory – Local Peoples’ Committee. The purpose of this Committee was the reconstruction, the census and the take-over/reinforcement of the political powers of the Liberation/Peoples Front. The village was small and its main activity was agriculture. Therefore the people were quite dependent on farming and influenced by the so-called “purchases” – compulsory purchases of products until the agrarian reform was enacted. The village’s Local Peoples’ Committee was led by Anton Šobernik, a man who believed in ideals and fighting for the welfare of the villagers. Šobernik dealt with difficulties peacefully, whereas others resorted to violence. He helped a lot of people out of trouble.