1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 94(497.4)"11/12", 27-774(497.4)"11/12"

V prispevku so obravnavane posesti, ki jih je Krška škofija (današnja Celovška škofija) v 12. in 13. stoletju imela na območju Kranjske. Teh posesti je bilo v primerjavi s tistimi na današnjem slovenskem Štajerskem ali Koroškem razmeroma malo. Večina se jih je nahajala na današnjem severnem Dolenjskem. Na njih je do konca 13. stoletja zrastlo osem gradov, Škrljevo, Obla Gorica, Lebek, Boštanj, Štrasberk, Mokronog, Erkenštajn in Rekštanj. Skozi ves obravnavani čas so krški kranjski ministeriali skoraj vedno stali ob robu političnega dogajanja. Edina izjema med njimi je bil Nikolaj Lemberški.

1.01 Original Scientific Article
UDC 94(497.4)"11/12", 27-774(497.4)"11/12"

The treatise discusses the Diocese of Gurk (today Roman Catholic Diocese of Gurk- Klagenfurt), 12th century estates in Carniola. There were only a few compared with the number of those in the today’s Slovene Styria and Carinthia. The majority of the estates were in the area of the present-day northern Lower Carniola. Until the end of the 13th century, eight castles were built there: Škrljevo, Obla Gorica, Lebek, Boštanj, Štrasberk, Mokronog, Erkenštajn and Rekštanj. Throughout the whole period discussed in this treatise, they were left aside the political development. The only exception was Nicholas of Lemberg.