1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek

UDK 94(497.1):355.4:929Maister R.

Damijan Guštin: Strateško-operativna (za)misel Rudolfa Maistra 0 uporabi oboroženih sil v času gradnje nacionalne države 1918-1919. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 82=47(2011), 2-3, str. 18-36

General Rudolf Maister je osrednja vojaška osebnost Maribora in območja do sever­ne etnične meje. Članek predstavlja motive in strokovno-vojaška izhodišča Rudolfa Maistra, ko je sicer improvizirano, a z jasno vizijo v odločilnih treh mesecih Države SHS in Kraljestva SHS vodil pokrajinsko vojaško oblast in (oboroženo) akcijo, ki je zagotovila meje nove države. Temelj Maistrove taktične zamisli je bilo prevzemanje pobude in narekovanje izvršenih dejstev nasproti avstrijski strani.

1.01 Original Scientific Article

UDC 94(497.1):355.4:929Maister R.

Damijan Guštin: The Strategic and Operative Idea (Thought) Rudolf Maister's to Use Armed Forces in the Times of Establishing the National State 1918-1919. Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 82=47(2011), 2-3, pp. 18-36

Major I major general Rudolf Maister is the central personality for the assurance of Maribor and the area of the State of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes' Northern ethnical border. The article tries to present the motives and professional as well as military bases from which Rudolf Maister, although by improvising but also with a clear vision, led the provincial military authority and an (armed) action for establishing the new state's borders on the ethical line. The action took place in the three most important months of the State of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes and of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. The author finds out that the basis of Maister's tactic idea was taking initiative and dictating executive facts against the Austrian side.