1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 821.163.6-32.09Jurca B.

V prispevku je predstavljena taboriščna proza Branke Jurca, ki je na lastni koži izkusila trpljenje v koncentracijskih taboriščih Gonars in Ravensbrück ter poleti 1945 izdala knjigo taboriščnih novel Pod bičem. Iz teh pripovedi, napisanih v izčiščenem realističnem jeziku, razbiramo grozljive podobe fizičnega in duševnega nasilja, lakote, umiranja, razčlovečenja in razpadanja osebnih identitet, a tudi upanja na osvoboditev. Taboriščne novele Branke Jurca mestoma razkrivajo pisateljičino zavezanost socialistični ideologiji, vendar ni zašla v pretirano ideološko slikanje taboriščne stvarnosti, kar je posebna dragocenost teh novel.

1.01 Original Scientific Article
UDC 821.163.6-32.09Jurca B.

The treatise presents concentration camp prose by Branka Jurca, who herself experienced a great deal of suffering in the concentration camps Gonars and Ravensbrück. In the summer of 1945 she published a book of concentration camp novellas Pod bičem (“Under the Whip”). These narratives, written in a clear realistic language, present horrifying images of physical violence and psychological abuse, hunger, dying, dehumanisation, and decomposition of personal identities, but they also present hope of liberation. The concentration camp novellas by Branka Jurca partially reveal her obligation to the socialist ideology, even though she did not use an exaggerated ideological presentation of the concentration camp reality, which makes these novellas even more valuable.