1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 94(497.4-18)"18":929PUHAR M.

Aleš Maver: Časi Margarete Puhar: cerkveno in kulturno ozračje na Štajerskem v 19. stoletju.
Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 89=54(2018), 3, str. 18–28

Margareta Puhar se je rodila v času, ko je v Avstriji izzveneval jožefinizem. Reakcija
na predmarčni sistem so bile v letu 1848 in takoj po njem »liberalne« težnje po spremembah
tudi v cerkvenih vrstah. Nov obrat je prineslo obdobje neoabsolutizma, ki
je doseglo vrh s sklenitvijo konkordata leta 1855. Tretji bistveni zasuk na cerkvenopolitični
sceni v času življenja Margarete Puhar je bila prevlada liberalnih naziranj v
drugi polovici šestdesetih in v sedemdesetih letih 19. stoletja. Tri desetletja političnega
slogaštva v slovenskem političnem življenju na Štajerskem pa so bila v veliki meri že v
znamenju katoliške prevlade.

1.01 Original Scientific Article
UDC 94(497.4-18)"18":929PUHAR M.

Aleš Maver: Times of Margareta Puhar: Ecclesiastical and Cultural Atmosphere in Styria
in the 19th Century. Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 89=54(2018), 3, pp.

Margareta Puhar was born in a time when the Austrian Josephinism reached its final
stage. Tendencies towards “liberal” changes during the year 1848 and during its immediate
aftermath can be seen as a reaction to the Vormärz system. A new turn was
brought about by the period of Neo-Absolutism, reaching its peak with the Concordat of 1855. The third stage during the lifetime of Margareta Puhar was marked by the
predominance of liberal views during the second half of the 1860s and in the 1870s. On
the other hand, almost three decades of the “politics of Concord” in the political life of
Styrian Slovenes already had remarkable signs of Catholics achieving the upper hand.