1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 930:271.2(470)ꞌꞌ12/14ꞌꞌ

Nejc Drnovšek: Delovanje staroruske Cerkve pod mongolsko oblastjo v luči ruskega zgodovinopisja. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 88=53(2017), 2–3, str. 5–24

Članek obravnava politiko staroruske Cerkve v obdobju od leta 1237 do prve polovice
15. stoletja z izrazitim poudarkom na razlagah ruskega zgodovinopisja. V uvodu je
predstavljeno politično delovanje Cerkve na območju tedanje severovzhodne Rusije.
Osrednji del besedila temelji na stališčih dveh poglavitnih vej zgodovinopisja, predrevolucijskega
in sovjetskega, o tematiki, ki jo obravnavamo. Razlike med obema vejama
so podrobneje ponazorjene na primeru enega izmed najvplivnejših cerkvenih
predstavnikov v tem obdobju, metropolita Alekseja. V zaključku so navedene najbolj
pereče polemike obeh zgodovinskih vej. Članek je napisan na osnovi ruske strokovne
literature in podkrepljen z vzhodnoslovanskimi zgodovinskimi viri.

1.01 Original Scientific Article
UDC 930:271.2(470)ꞌꞌ12/14ꞌꞌ

Nejc Drnovšek: The Old-Russian Church under the Mongol Authorities from the Point
of View of the Russian Historiography.
Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor
88=53(2017), 2–3, pp. 5–24

The article discusses the policy of the Old-Russian Church in the period from 1237 to
the first half of the 15th century with a particular emphasis on the interpretations of the Russian historiography. The political activity of the Church in the region of the then
North-eastern Russia is presented in the introduction. The central part of the text is
based on the views of the two main branches of historiography, pre-revolutionary and
Soviet, on the discussed topic. The differences between both branches are illustrated in
more detail with the case of metropolitan Alexius, one of the most influential church
representatives in this period. In conclusion, the topical issues of both branches are
addressed. The article is written on the basis of Russian scientific literature and supported
by East Slavic historical sources.