1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 343.622(497.12Celje+Maribor)"179/1849"
Elke Hammer-Luza: Detomor v mariborskem in celjskem okrožju v 18. in 19. stoletju. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 80=45(2009), 4, str. 60-78
Razprava obravnava detomore v mariborskem in celjskem okrožju od konca 18. stoletja do 1849. Obravnava kazensko zakonodajo za te primere, način, kraj in čas detomora, ali gre za nezakonske ali zakonske otroke, kdo so bili očetje. Detomorov je bilo znatno več na Kranjskem kot na Štajerskem, tu pa največ v celjskem okrožju. Opisano je tudi kako so bile detomorilke odkrite, kako je potekal proces, kakšne so bile kazni in kje ter kako so jih detomorilke prestajale.
1.01 Original Scientific Article
U DC 343. 622(497.12Celje+Maribor)" 179/1849"
Elke Hammer-Luza: Child-murder in Maribor and Celje District in the 18th and 19th Century. Review for His¬ tory and Ethnography, Maribor 80=45(2009), 4, pp. 60-78
The treatise deals with the child-murders in Maribor and Celje district form the end of the 18th century and unti11849. It deals with penal codes for these cases, methods, places and times of the child-murders. The treatise also analyses if the children murdered were legitimate or illegitimate and who the fathers were. There were significantly more child-murders in Kranjska/Carniola than in Štajerska/Styria, and in Štajerska/Styria the most child-murders happened in Celje district. The article describes how the child-murderesses were disclosed, how the legal proceedings were carried out, how they were sentenced and where the child-murderesses served the sentences.