1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 329:94(497.4)ʹʹ193/1941ʹʹ

Mateja Ratej: Drugi jugoslovanski gasilski kongres v Ljubljani – zadnja velika manifestacija katoliške politične misli pred začetkom druge svetovne vojne. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 84=49(2013), 4, str. 71–87

Avtorica v prispevku obravnava politični vidik drugega jugoslovanskega gasilskega kongresa v Ljubljani avgusta 1939, ki je imel tik po velikem kongresu Kristusa Kralja v Ljubljani in tik pred Hitlerjevim napadom na Poljsko v sferi političnega velik simbolni pomen. Ob tem zagovarja idejo, da je bila gasilska prireditev zadnja velika manifestacija katoliške politične misli pred začetkom druge svetovne vojne, to med drugim utemeljuje z dejstvom, da je bilo slovensko gasilstvo med obema vojnama (podobno kot volilna baza Slovenske ljudske stranke) tesno navezano na slovensko nacionalno substanco in katoliške vrednote ter je po nastopu vlade Jugoslovanske radikalne zajednice postalo politično orodje (bivše) Slovenske ljudske stranke. Zdi se, da je slednja kot vladajoča slovenska politična stranka v gasilskem kongresu videla enkratno priložnost za demonstracijo (katoliške) moči proti vse prodornejšemu komunističnemu gibanju, ki mu je Anton Korošec posvečal mnogo energije že kot notranji minister v letih 1935–1938.

1.01 Original Scientific Article
UDC 329:94(497.4)ʹʹ193/1941ʹʹ

Mateja Ratej: The second Yugoslav Firefighter Congress in Ljubljana – the last great Manifestation of the Catholic Political Thought before the Beginning of the World War II. Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 84=49(2013), 4, pp. 71–87

The author of this paper deals with the political aspect of the second Yugoslav Firefighter Congress in Ljubljana in August 1939, which, just after the great Congress of Christ the King in Ljubljana and shortly before Hitler’s attack on Poland had from the political point of view a great symbolic meaning. The author also speaks in favour of the idea that this firefighter event was the last great manifestation of Catholic political thought before the beginning of the World War II. She explains the above mentioned with the fact that the Slovene firefighting between both wars was (just like the election base of the Slovenska ljudska stranka/The Slovene People’s Party) closely attached to the Slovene national substance and the Catholic values. After the beginning of “Jugoslovanska radikalna zajednica” (The Yugoslav Radical Community) the Slovene firefighting became the political tool of the (former) Slovenska ljudska stranka/The Slovene People’s Party. It seems as if the latter as the ruling Slovene political party saw the Firefighter Congress as a unique opportunity for the demonstration of the (Catholic) power against the penetrating Communist movement, to which Anton Korošec devoted a lot of energy already as the Minister of Interior in the years 1935–1938.