1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 821.163.6.09-2Potrč I.

Renata Debeljak: Ideologija socializma v dramah Ivana Potrča. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 84=49(2013), 2–3, str. 71–88

Prispevek obravnava ideologijo socializma v Potrčevih dramah o Kreflih, ki jo sestavljajo Kreflova kmetija, Lacko in Krefli ter Krefli. Trilogija prikazuje razvojni tok občečloveškega soočanja kmečke družine z ideologijo socializma v času gospodarske krize med vojnama, v nemoči in moči proti okupatorju le-te med 2. sv. vojno ter se dokončno izriše v socialistični ideji o kolektivizaciji vasi in zadružništvu po drugi vojni.

1.01 Original Scientific Article
UDC 821.163.6.09-2Potrč I.

Renata Debeljak: The Socialist Ideology in Ivan Potrč’s Dramas. Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 84=49(2013), 2–3, pp. 71–88

The treatise discusses the socialist ideology in Potrč’s dramas on the Krefl family, which consist of Kreflova kmetija (The Krefl’s Farm, Lacko in Krefli (Lacko and the Krefl) and Krefli (The Krefl). The trilogy presents how a farmer’s family is confronted with the socialist ideology in the times of the economic crisis between the wars, it presents the helplessness and power of this ideology against the occupying forces during World War II and its final formation in the socialist idea on collectivisation of villages and cooperatives after World War II.