1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 94(497.4Podčetrtek):929Attems J. M.

Dejan Zadravec: Ignac Marija grof Attems in gospostvo Podčetrtek do začetka 18. stoletja. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 78=43(2007), 4, str. 30-56

V razpravi je predstavljeno dogajanje na gospostvu Podčetrtek, in to od časa, ko se je zanj začel zanimati Ignac Marija grof Attems pa do začetka 18. stoletja. Attems je kot svetnik notranjeavstrijske dvorne komore prišel do informacij o zaplenjenem gospo¬stvu Podčetrtek, za nakup katerega se je 17. aprila 1686 tudi odločil. Novopečeni lastnik je takoj začel z obnovo gospodarstva, v prvi vrsti z obnovitvijo zapuščene posesti in dela grajskega poslopja. Zaradi teh dveh projektov se je v prvih letih po nakupu precej časa zadrževal na gospostvu. V tem času je na gradu pogosto gostil različne veljake. Na kosila in večerje so največkrat prihajali župniki iz okoliških župnij, olimski pa¬vlinci, kapucini iz Krškega in Ptuja, včasih pa tudi okoliško posvetno plemstvo, razni obrtniki in proviantni upravitelji. Proti koncu 17. stoletja je bilo njegovih in ženinih obiskov nekoliko manj, saj sta z nakupom brežiškega gospostva leta 1694 in izgradnjo novega štatenberškega dvorca v Makolah tudi slednja kraja postala izbora njegovega začasnega bivanja.

1.01 Original 8cietific Article
UDC 94(497.4Podčetrtek):929Attems J. M.

Dejan Zadravec: Ignac Marija Count Attems and uhe Podčetrtek Manor until the 18th Century. Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 78=43(2007), 4, pp. 30-56

The treatise presents the activities on and in connection with the Podčetrtek manor from the times when Ignac Marija count Attems first showed his interest in the manor until the beginning of the 18th century. Attems has, as a counsellor of the internal Austrian court chamber, got the information on the confiscated Podčetrtek manor and on the 17th April 1686 he decided to buy it. The new owner began with the renovation of the manor housekeeping, mostly with the renovation of the abandoned property and of a part of the cas tIe building. These two projects were the reason why he often stayed at the manor in the first few years after the purchase. He had a lot of important guests at the manor in that time. He invited local vicars, the Olimje Pau line Fathers, Capuchin monks from Krško and Ptuj and sometimes also the local lord temporal, different craftsmen and provisions managers to lunches and dinners.
At the end of the 17th century he and his wife stayed at the manor less time because he also bought the Brežice manor in 1694 and he also built the Štatemberg castIe in Makole and so these two locations also became places of his temporal residence.