1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 929.52Mariborski

Rajmund Lampreht: Izvor in razvoj gospodov Mariborskih. Časopis za zgodovino in
narodopisje, Maribor 86=51(2015), 2–3, str. 9–33

Avtor v članku obravnava izvor in razvoj gospodov Mariborskih. Pri tem dokazuje, da
sta prva gospoda Mariborska prišla iz Riegersburga kot vojaška poveljnika. Poslal ju je
deželni knez in sta prihajala iz hiše gospodov Wildonskih. Ti so izhajali iz gospostva
Gundakarjev, ki so bili stara ministerialna družina deželnega kneza. V nadaljevanju
je prikazan razvoj gospodov Mariborskih, sledi obrazložitev njihovega vzpona med
regionalne veljake, brez katerih se ni pečatila nobena pomembna listina. Avtor tudi
sistematično razčleni in prikaže razvoj vseh stranskih vej gospostva. Pri tem pozornost
bralca usmerja na vzporednosti med posameznimi družinami. Prinaša pa tudi novosti
iz zgodovine posameznih družin.

1.01 Original Scientific Article
UDC 929.52Mariborski

Rajmund Lampreht: The Origins and the Development of the Maribor Nobility. Review
for History and Ethnography
, Maribor 86=51(2015), 2–3, pp. 9–33

The author presents in this article the origin and the development of the Maribor nobility.
He proves that the first two Maribor noblemen were commanders and that they
came from Riegersburg. They were sent to Maribor to be with the provincial prince and
their origins were in the House of Wildon. The Wildon lordships were the offspring of the Gundaker family, which was provincial prince’s old ministerial family. The author
also presents the further development of the Maribor nobility and explains their
ascent among regional personage without whom no important document was sealed.
The author systematically analyses and present the development of all side branches
and focuses the readers’ attention to the parallelism between individual families and
he also introduces newness of individual families’ histories.