1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 811.163.6'276"18"

Natalija Ulčnik: Jezikovne in vsebinske posebnosti poročevalskih besedil o slovenskem taborskem gibanju. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 79=44(2008), 1-2, str. 161-178

K odmevnosti slovenskega taborskega gibanja so veliko prispevala poročevalska besedila v tedanjih osrednjih slovenskih časopisih, in sicer Slovenskem narodu, Slovenskem gospoodarju ter Bleiweisovih Novicah. V prispevku je opozorjeno na njihovo jezikovno izhajanje iz normativnih določil Janežičeve slovnice ter na nekatere pojavljajoče se vzhodnoslovennske značilnosti, na vsebinski ravni pa so predstavljene posebnosti, zaradi katerih večino teh poročil uvrščamo med reporterska oz. dopisniška poročila.

1.01 Original Scietific Article
UDC 811.163.6'276"18"

Natalija Ulčnik: Distinctive Features of Language and Content in Contemporary Reeports of the Slovenian Tabor Movement. Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 79=44(2008), 1-2, pp. 161-178

Reports as to the activities of the Tabor Movement, which appeared in leading Slovenian newspapers of that era - such as Slovenski Narod, Slovenski Gospodar and Novice pubblished by Janez Bleiweis - greatly contributed to the promotion of its manifesto among the general public. This article assesses the linguistic origin of these reports - which are themselves based on the normative grammatical standards established by Anton Janežič - and highlights some of their recurrent motives, typical of eastern Slovenia. Distinctive features of conte nt - as a consequence of which most of these articles are regarded as general or correspondent reports - are also considered.