1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK                 929Hutter J.

Borivoj Breže: Josip Hutter z vidika družbene odgovornosti. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 84=49(2013), 4, str. 28–70

Prispevek podaja izhodišča za nadaljnjo, bolj poglobljeno obravnavo Josipa Hutterja s področja družbene odgovornosti. V ta namen so za dokazovanje Hutterjevega socialnega čuta navedeni primeri iz pisnih virov, zapis ustnih pričevanj pa širi in potrjuje védenje o osebnosti, ki je uspeh ni prevzel. Primerjave z znanimi tovarnarji iz avtomobilske industrije prikazujejo Hutterja kot neproblematičnega tako glede svetovnega nazora kot značaja in védenja. Na koncu se izpostavi potreba po izdelavi monografije o Hutterju.

1.01 Original Scientific Article
UDC 929Hutter J.

Borivoj Breže: Josip Hutter from the Social Responsibility Perspective. Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 84=49(2013), 4, pp. 28–70

The treatise provides basis for further, more in-depth research on Josip Hutter in the field of social responsibility. In order to prove Hutter’s social sense, numerous written sources are presented and a record of oral testimony expands and confirms the knowledge of a personality, which wasn’t corrupted by success. Comparisons with important car industry factory owners show Hutter as unproblematic from the worldview perspective as well as from the point of view of his personality and manners. In the end of this treatise the need for a comprehensive monograph on Josip Hutter is presented.