1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 929Potrč I.(044)

Darja Plajnšek: Korespondenca med Ivanom Potrčem in Frančkom Bohancem kot del zapuščine Ivana Potrča v ptujski knjižnici. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 84=49(2013), 2–3, str. 106–124

V prispevku so obravnavana osebna pisma med Ivanom Potrčem (1913−1993) in Frančkom Bohancem (1923−2010), ki sta si jih izmenjala med letoma 1982 in 1989. Njuna korespondenca je del zapuščine, ki jo je Knjižnica Ivana Potrča Ptuj pridobila od pisateljevih dedičev in je hranjena v arhivskih škatlah v Domoznanskem oddelku. Pisma odražajo njun pogled na vlogo literature, pisatelja in umetnosti, ki naj jo imajo v družbi. Iz pisem razberemo, da sta bila drug drugemu literarna kritika in podpornika, prav tako so ju družili podobni politični nazori, predvsem pa so pisma odraz njunega iskrenega in spoštljivega prijateljskega odnosa.

1.01 Original Scientific Article
UDC 929Potrč I.(044)

Darja Plajnšek: Correspondence between Ivan Potrč and Franček Bohanec as a Part of Ivan Potrč’s Legacy in the Ptuj Library. Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 84=49(2013), 2–3, pp. 106–124

This article discusses personal letters between Ivan Potrč (1913−1993) and Franček Bohanec (1923−2010) that were written between 1982 and 1989. Their correspondence is a part of the legacy, which was donated to the Ivan Potrč Library Ptuj by the writer’s heirs and which is kept in archive boxes in the Local History Department. These letters reflect their point of view on the social role of literature, writers and the arts. The letters show that the writers were each other’s literary critics and supporters; they had similar political beliefs and most of all they are proof of their sincere and respectful friendship.