1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 94:343(497.4Maribor)"1901"

Razprava odstira koruptivno ravnanje vodje mariborskega gradbenega urada Fritza Rezegha, ki je pri gradnji mariborskega vodovoda s podkupninami nezakonito pridobil precej denarja. Opira se na časopisno (in arhivsko) gradivo, ki daje vpogled v številne malverzacije. »Vodovodna afera«, ki jo je razkrilo socialdemokratsko glasilo Arbeiterwille, je spodbudila župana Nagyja, da je nepreklicno odstopil s svojega položaja (kljub temu da je projekt ocenil za vrhunec svojega dolgoletnega dela v mestu), ambiciozni inženir Rezegh pa se je že čez slabe tri mesece znašel na mariborskem okrožnem sodišču. To mu je dokazalo krivdo in ga obsodilo na 8 mesecev težke ječe, globo v protivrednosti podkupnin pa je moral plačati v ubožno blagajno.

1.01 Original Scientific Article
UDC 94:343(497.4Maribor)"1901"

The treatise reveals the corruptive behaviour of Fritz Rezegh, the head of the Maribor construction office, who illegally gained a lot of bribe money during the water distribution system construction. The treatise is based on the newspaper (and archive) materials that enable the insight into numerous embezzlements. “The water distribution system scandal”, which was disclosed by the social-democratic bulletin Arbeiterwille, forced mayor Nagy to resign from his position (although he thought of this project as the peak of his long-time work in the city); the ambitious engineer Rezegh was summoned to the Maribor district court three months later. The court proved his guilt and sentenced him to eight months of heavy prison and to paying the fine in the equivalent amount to the bribes to the “poor fund”.