1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 27-788-055.2:37(497.412)"1918/1939"

Fanika Krajnc-Vrečko: Margareta Puhar in šolstvo v Mariboru med obema vojnama.
Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 89=54(2018), 3, str. 115–124

Razprava osvetljuje čas med obema vojnama, v katerem so šolske sestre vodile pomembne
vzgojne ustanove v Mariboru. Na ženskem učiteljišču se je do druge svetovne
vojne izobrazilo več kot 1.200 slovenskih učiteljic, ki so pomembno vplivale na vzgojo
narodne zavesti in utrjevanje slovenskega jezika, kar je moč prepoznati iz številnih
kulturnih prireditev v mestu. Jugoslovanske šolske oblasti so močno nasprotovale delovanju
ustanove mariborskih šolskih sester, posamezne predstojnice pa so se s svojim
izjemnim ugledom in organizacijskimi sposobnostmi dve desetletji borile za ohranitev

1.01 Original Scientific Article
UDC 27-788-055.2:37(497.412)"1918/1939"

Fanika Krajnc-Vrečko: Margareta Puhar and Education in Maribor between the Two
Wars. Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 89=54(2018), 3, pp. 115–124

The discussion highlights the time between the two wars, in which the School Sisters
were in charge of important educational institutions in Maribor. Until the Second
World War, over 1,200 Slovene female teachers were educated at the women’s college
of education. They significantly influenced the education of national consciousness
and the consolidation of the Slovene language, which can be observed in numerous
cultural events in the city. The Yugoslav school authorities strongly opposed the work
of the institution of the Maribor School Sisters, while individual prioresses were for two decades fighting for the preservation of the college of education with their remarkable
reputation and organizational skills.