1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 930.85(497.4Maribor):78"18"

Bruno Hartman: Mariborsko filharmonično društvo. Časopis za zgodovino in naro¬dopisje, Maribor 78=43(2007),2-3, str. 79-120

Avtor opisuje prizadevanja Mariborčanov, da bi si po 1825. letu z ustanovitvijo Glas¬benega društva uredili koncertno življenje. Ko je društvo zamrlo, je šele 1881 z akcijo mariborskega župana dr. Matthausa Reiserja nastalo Mariborsko filharmonično društvo, ki je skrbelo za redne letne koncerte simfonične in komorne glasbe tja do prve svetovne vojne, ko je prenehalo delovati. Hkrati je končala delo tudi društvena glasbena šola.

1.01 Original Scietific Article
UDC 930.85(497.4Maribor):78"18"

Bruno Hartman: The Maribor Philharmonic Society. Review for History and Ethno¬graphy, Maribor 78=43(2007), 2-3, pp. 79-120

The author describes the endeavours of Maribor inhabitants to arrange their con¬cert life by establishing the Music Society after 1825. After the Society stopped with its activity, the Maribor Philharmonic Society existed only through the drive of the Maribor mayor Dr. Matthaus Reiser. This Society took care of regular annual concerts of symphonic and chamber music all through the First World War, when it stopped to be active. Simultaneously the Society's music school came to an end.