1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 929.52Ehrlich, 94(436.5=163.6)ꞌꞌ18/20ꞌꞌ

Peter Wiesflecker: Meščanski habitus, narodna identiteta, verski profil. Aspekti socialno-
nacionalnega procesa diferenciacije na primeru družine iz Kanalske doline.
za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 88=53(2017), 2–3, str. 47–69

Razprava prikazuje razvoj in propad družine Ehrlich iz Kanalske doline. Povzpela se
je iz kmečkega gospodarstva v vaško meščanstvo in nato v sto letih zaradi različnih
vzrokov propadla. Razen nekaterih članov intelektualne elite v družini, ki so se uveljavili
zlasti kot duhovniki, izhajajoči iz Žabnic v Kanalski dolini, so ves čas ohranili
nacionalno slovensko zavest in pripadnosti slovenstvu.

1.01 Original Scientific Article
UDC 929.52Ehrlich, 94(436.5=163.6)ꞌꞌ18/20ꞌꞌ

Peter Wiesflecker: Bourgeoisie Habitus, National Identity, Religious Profile. The Aspects
of the Social and National Process of Differentiation on the Example of a Family from
the Kanal Valley.
Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 88=53(2017), 2–3, pp.

The treatise presents the development and the decline of the Ehrlich family from Kanal
Valley. The family moved up from farming estate to country bourgeoisie and within 100 years reached its decline due to different reasons. Except of some family members,
who were members of the intellectual elite and were mostly priests from Žabnice in
Kanal Valley, the family stayed true to the Slovene national consciousness.