1.02 Pregledni znanstveni članek
UDK 94:796.52(497.4)

Peter Mikša, Matija Zorn: Nacionalni boj za gore in slovenska identiteta. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 92=57(2021), 1, str. 67–88

Slovenske gore so danes del slovenske nacionalne identitete. Vsako leto jih obišče skoraj poldrugi milijon ljudi, ki imajo na voljo prek 10.000 kilometrov planinskih poti ter mrežo planinskih postojank s 181 objekti in približno 7400 ležišči. Vsa planinska infrastruktura je seveda opremljena s slovenskimi napisi. Ob tem se danes le malokdo zaveda, da še pred dobrim stoletjem ni bilo tako. Takrat so se morali naši predniki še kako potruditi, da so ohranili »slovenskost« našim goram. Slovenskemu nacionalnemu
boju za gore lahko sledimo v štirih fazah: 1) med Slovenci in Nemci (od konca 19. stoletja do začetka prve svetovne vojne), 2) med Slovenci in Italijani (od konca prve svetovne vojne do začetka druge svetovne vojne), 3) med Slovenci, Italijani in Nemci (med drugo svetovno vojno), 4) konec nacionalnega boja (po drugi svetovni vojni).

1.02 Review article
UDC 94:796.52(497.4)

Peter Mikša, Matija Zorn: The national battle for the mountains and the Slovenian identity. Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 92=57(2021), 1, pp. 67–88

Slovenian mountains are nowadays part of Slovenian national identity. Each year, they are visited by almost 1,5 million people, who have at their disposal more than 10.000 kilometers of hiking trails as well as a network of mountain posts with 181 huts and approx. 7400 beds. Of course, all mountain infrastructure is equipped with Slovenian inscriptions. Today, however, only a few realize that only a century ago the situation was quite different. At that time, our ancestors had to go to extreme lengths to preserve the “Slovenianness” of our mountains. The Slovenian national struggle for the mountains took place in four phases: 1) between Slovenes and Germans (from the end of the 19th Century to the beginning of the First World War), 2) between Slovenes and Italians (from the end of the First World War to the beginning of the Second World War), 3) between Slovenes, Italians and Germans (during the Second World War), 4) the end of national struggle (after the Second World War).