1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 930.85(4):613.81"182"

Andrej Studen: »Ne pij več in bodi srečen!« Poročila dunajskega Gesundheits-Zeitung o protialkoholnem gibanju v Ameriki in Evropi v 3D-ih letih 19. stoletja. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 78=43(2007), 2-3, str. 37-61

V 3D-ih letih 19. stoletja se je poleg smrtonosnih epidemij kole re v Evropi širila še ena zdravju škodljiva in nevarna razvada, t. i. žganjarska kuga (die Branntweinpest). O zdravju škodljivih posledicah žganjepitja se je v 3D-ih letih 19. stoletja mnogokrat razpisal tudi dunajski zdravstveni časopis /Populare/ Gesundheits-Zeitung, ki je izhajal v letih 1830-1840. Pričujoča razprava se osredinja in omejuje na takratna poročila o protialkoholnem gibanju v Ameriki in Evropi. Časopis je poročalo razveseljivih uspehih gibanja treznosti (temperance), nekaj prispevkov pa poroča tudi o zgodovini društev treznosti. Časopis Gesundheits-Zeitung je beležil številne hvalospeve ameriškim društvom treznosti ter poudarjal, da naj bi brzdanje pregrehe pijančevanja uspelo šele gibanju treznosti in njegovi propagandi. V 3D-ih letih 19. stoletja se je začel krepiti protialkoholni boj tudi v Evropi. V razpravi so podrobneje predstavljena poročila o razmerah v Angliji, na Škotskem in Irskem. Po ameriškem vzoru so tudi v Evropi naglašali, da naj bi šele popolna odpoved alkoholnim pijačam veliko prispevala k zdravju, moralnosti in blagru države. V zaključku razprave avtor še posebej opozori na poročilo o izidu dela Heinricha Zschokkeja Die Branntweinpest (Aarau, Švica, 1837). Zschokkejevo delo o žganjarski kugi ima neposredno zvezo tudi sprotialkoholnimi prizadevanji na Slovenskem v 40-ih letih 19. stoletja, saj je bilo leta 1847 (na pobudo zavzetega protialkoholnega borca Antona Martina Slomška) v prirejeni obliki prevedeno tudi v slovenščino.

1.01 Original Scietific Article
UDC 930.85(4):613.81"182"

Andrej Studen: »Do not drink and be merry!« Reports by the Vienna Gesundheits-Zeitung on the Anti-Alcohol Movement in America and in Europe During the 30s of the 19th Century. Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 78=43(2007), 2-3, pp. 37-61

During the 1830s, beside lethai cholera edidemic in Euorpe, a harmful and danger¬ous vicious ha bit expanded, the so called hard liquor plague (die Branntweinpest). On harmful consequences of drinking hard liquor in the 1830s much was written by the Vienna health journal /Popuhire/ Gesundheits-Zeitung, which was published during the 1830-40s. This treatise focuses and limits itself to the reports in that time on the anti-alcohol movement in America and in Europe. The journal reported on the successes of the temperance movement, many articles were devoted to the history of the movement. The journal Gesundheits-Zeitung noted numerous panegyrics on the American temperance societies, stressing that temperance of the alchohol drinking vice was successful only after its propaganda drives. In the 1830s the anti-alcohol battIe in Europe began to strengthen as well. In the treatise, reports on the situation in England, Scotland and Ireland are described in greater detail. Jn line with the American example, it was stressed in Europe, that only full renouncing of alcohol would contribute significantly to health, morality and well-being of the state. In the conclusion of the treatise the aut hor particularly draws attention to the report on Heinrich Zschokke's work Die Branntweinpest being published (Aa rau, Switzerland, 1837). The work of Zschokke on the hard liquor plague had a direct link to the anti¬alcoholic endeavours in Slovenia in the 1840s. In 1847 the work was translated into Slovene in an adapted form on the initiative of the commited anti-alcohol militant Anton Martina Slomšek.