1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 929Kuhn J.; 323:94(497.4)ꞌꞌ1945/1947ꞌꞌ

Tomaž Ivešić: Joseph Kuhn v krempljih Ozne. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje,
Maribor 88=53(2017), 2–3, str. 115–134

Avtor se je posvetil življenjski zgodbi Josipa Kuhna, švicarskega državljana, ki je od
1920/1921 živel v Razvanju. Tam je po neuspešnem ukvarjanju s trgovino z lesom v
tridesetih letih s perutninarstvom, prašičjerejo in drugimi kmečkimi panogami precej
obogatel. Maja 1945 ga je Ozna aretirala in poslala v 13-mesečni mukotrpni pripor,
ker naj bi bil sodelavec gestapa. Po oprostilni sodbi se je januarja 1947 preselil v Švico.
S sabo je odnesel tudi pisno pričevanje o usmrtitvah pri sv. Arehu na Pohorju. Obe
pričevanji sta bili objavljeni v knjigi Schicksal über uns leta 1948.

1.01 Original Scientific Article
UDC 929Kuhn J.; 323:94(497.4)ꞌꞌ1945/1947ꞌꞌ

Tomaž Ivešić: Joseph Kuhn in the Clutches of OZNA. Review for History and Ethnography,
Maribor 88=53(2017), 2–3, pp. 115–134

The author devoted this article to Josip Kuhn’s life story. Joseph Kuhn was a Swiss citizen,
who lived in Razvanje in the years 1920/1921. After his failure as a wood merchant,
he made quite a fortune in the 1930s with poultry breeding, pig farming, and other
agricultural activities. In May 1945 he was arrested by OZNA and sent to a 13-months
brutal arrest, for he was supposedly a Gestapo collaborator. In January 1947, after
being found not guilty, he moved to Switzerland. He also took written statements on
killings at St. Areh on Pohorje. In 1948, both testimonies were published in the book
Schicksal über uns.