1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 929Lannoy H.E.J.

Oskar Habjanič: Miselni svet barona Eduarda pl. Lannoya (1787–1853). Časopis za zgodovino
in narodopisje, Maribor 89=54(2018), 1–2, str. 23–69

Glasbeni kritik, komponist, pesnik in empatični spremljevalec aktualnih političnih
razmer baron Eduard Lannoy je živel v času, ko je skrb za umetnost predstavljal duhovni
napredek človeštva. Njegovo življenjsko vodilo in prelom s sistemom fevdalno-
-plemiške ureditve sta se razkrila v tenkočutni pesnitvi Geistesblüthen, kjer izpostavlja,
da je mladina morala nekoč težiti k vljudnosti, skrbnosti in ozaveščenosti, medtem ko
danes šteje samo talent, njegovi sestri pa sta ljubezen in umetnost.

1.01 Original Scientific Article
UDC 929Lannoy H.E.J.

Oskar Habjanič: Baron Eduard de Lannoy’s (1787–1853) World of Thought. Review for
History and Ethnography, Maribor 89=54(2018), 1–2, pp. 23–69

The music critic, composer, poet, and the emphatic observer of the then political
situation, Baron Eduard de Lannoy, lived in times when appreciating and supporting
art stood for the spiritual development of mankind. He expressed his life motto
and breaking free from the system of feudal-aristocratic order in the sensitive poem
“Geistesblüthen”. In this poem, he stresses how the youth in the past had to strive for
courtesy, carefulness and awareness, whereas nowadays all that matters is talent, his
sisters being love and art.