1.04 Strokovni članek
UDK 27-788-055.2

Karel Gržan: Po Jezusovem zgledu naklonjene/sklonjene k ljudem v stiskah življenja.
Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 89=54(2018), 3, str. 83–90

Pri pripovedovanju o poslanstvu šolskih sester je dobrodošlo izkustvo njihovega delovanja,
zato želim iz srečevanj s sorodnicama in šolskima sestrama Ildefonzo (1895–
1986) in Metodijo Pirnat (1901–1990) izpostaviti vidike uresničevanja njune poklicanosti
kot izhodišče za razumevanje splošne aktualnosti poslanstva šolskih sester v
današnjem času in prostoru.

1.04 Professional article
UDC 27-788-055.2

Karel Gržan: Following Jesus’ Example and Inclining to/Bowing Down to People in
Need. Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 89=54(2018), 3, pp. 83–90

While speaking about the mission of the School Sisters I have the privilege of knowing
their work personally from gatherings with two of my relatives and School Sisters, Ildefonza
(1895–1986) and Metodija Pirnat (1901–1990). I would, therefore, like to stress
the view of fulfilling their calling as the basis of understanding the general relevance
of the mission of the School Sisters in today’s time and space.