1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 929Trubar P.:783

Franci Pivec: Nu, pujte, pujte vsi ludje! (Trubarjev odnos do petja in glasbene vzgoje).
Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 91=56(2020), 2–3, str. 186–195

Na Trubarjev odnos in poznavanje glasbe je vplivalo večletno prepevanje v odličnih kapelah. Prva knjiga, ki jo je dal Slovencem, je obenem katekizem in pesmarica. Teh so kasneje protestanti izdali vsega osem, kar kaže na pomembno mesto petja, ki je v šoli spadalo med osnovne predmete. Luter je zapovedal enoglasni koral, ki pa se ni ujemal s slovenskim večglasnim ljudskim petjem, kateremu je bil naklonjen tudi Trubar. Zborovskemu
petju so poleg konfesionalnega pripisovali tudi umetniški pomen, o čemer priča tudi Bohoričeva zbirka 2.000 pesmi, ki jih je zapustil deželni šoli. Prispevek protestantov k cerkvenemu petju je priznala tudi protireformacija.

1.01 Original Scientific Article
UDC 929Trubar P.:783

Franci Pivec: Sing, Sing all You People! (Nu, pujte, pujte vsi ludje!) (Trubar’s Attitude to Singing and Music Education). Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 91=56(2020), 2–3, pp. 186–195

Trubar’s attitude to and his knowledge of music was influenced by singing in excellent choirs for many years. The first book he wrote for Slovenes was, at the same time, a catechism and a hymnbook. Protestants published eight of those, and this fact points out the importance of singing, which was one of the primary school subjects. Luther commanded unison hymn, which was contradictory to Slovene polyphonic folk singing. Trubar was also keen on this kind of singing. Choral singing was next to the religious also of the artistic importance, and this can be supported by Bohorič’s collection of 2.000 songs he left to the local school. The Counter-Reformation acknowledged the Protestants’ contribution to choral singing.