1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 821.163.6.09-2Majcen S.

Karel Gržan: O ženski in moškem ter njunem poslanstvu v dramatiki Stanka Majcna. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 84=49(2013), 4, str. 88–108

V delih Stanka Majcna (1888–1970) je prikaz ženske in moškega v prepletanju njunega poslanstva izjemno pronicljiv, zato vreden posebne pozornosti. Članek z motivno-tematsko analizo posameznih dram ter primerjalno analizo odnosov med subjekti interpretira Majcnovo razmišljanje o tem poslanstvu. Pozornost namenja tudi prizorišču dogajanja, saj je le-to pri Majcnu postalo laboratorij za raziskavo in poglobljeno analizo prepletanja poslanstva moškega in ženske.

1.01 Original Scientific Article
UDC 821.163.6.09-2Majcen S.

Karel Gržan: On a woman and a man and their mission in Stanko Majcen’s plays. Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 84=49(2013), 4, pp. 88–108

The works of Stanko Majcen (1888–1970) reflect insightful images of intertwining missions of a woman and a man. For this reason, too, the subject deserves special consideration. The article interprets Majcen’s views on this mission by the analysis of motifs and themes of individual plays and by comparative analysis of relationships among the subjects. Attention is also devoted to the scene of episodes, as the scene becomes a laboratory for research and deeper analysis of intertwining missions of a man and a woman.