Zdenka Kresnik: Odraz slovenskega narodnega prebujanja na ormoškem območju. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 79=44(2008), 1-2, str. 118-131

Prispevek obravnava prebujanje in stopnjevanje narodne zavesti slovenskega prebivalstva na obmoèju Ormoža in njegove okolice, ki se je od leta 1848 vedno bolj zavedalo pomena boja za narodno enakopravnost in uveljavitev slovenskega jezika v javnem življenju. Pri tem so mu konec 60. let 19. stoletja pomemben vzgled predstavljali ljutomerski narodnjaki, združeni v narodni čitalnici, ki je bila aktivna tudi na Ormoškem. Narodnostna prizadeevanja ormoškega človeka so po številèni udeležbi na Ljutomerskem taboru leta 1868 svoj višek dosegla leto kasneje, 8. avgusta 1869, z organizacijo lastnega zborovanja in znameenitim govorom Božidarja Raiča.

1.01 Original Scietific Article
UDC 323.1 (497.12-180rmož)"1848/1869"

Zdenka Kresnik: The Reflection of the National Awakening in the Ormož Area. Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 79=44(2008), 1-2, pp. 118-131

The article discusses the awakening and the growth of the national awareness of the Slovene people in the area of Ormož and its surrounding, who were from 1848 more and more aware of the importance of the fight for the national equality and the use of the Slovene language in public life. At the end of the 60s of the 19th century the Ljutomer patriot s gave an immporta nt example for they were joined in the national Èita/nica that was active in the Ormož area. The national endeavours of the Ormož people, after being present in the Ljutomer Tabor meeting in 1868 in a great number, reached the ir peak a year later, on 8th August 1869 by organising their own convention and the famous speech given by Božidar Raič.