1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 27-788-055.2(620=163.6)

Bogdan Kolar: Šolske sestre med slovenskimi izseljenci v Egiptu. Časopis za zgodovino
in narodopisje, Maribor 89=54(2018), 3, str. 145–168

Slovenske šolske sestre iz Maribora so se leta 1908 na spodbudo duhovnikov frančiškanskega
reda odločile za povsem novo obliko pastoralnega dela. Odšle so med
slovenske izseljence v Egipt. Prvo mesto je bila Aleksandrija. Tu so ustanovile zavetišče
za slovenske žene in dekleta ter ljudsko šolo za slovanske otroke. Razgibano delo so
razvile na socialnem in ekumenskem področju. Drugo ustanovo so odprle leta 1929
v Kairu. Ker se je skupnost leta 1922 razdelila na province, sta hiši v Egiptu postali
del italijanske province. Šolske sestre so bile prva slovenska ženska redovna skupnost,
ki je prevzela delo med rojaki po svetu. Po drugi svetovni vojni sta ustanovi v Egiptu
namenjeni starejšim (Aleksandrija) in študentkam iz arabskih držav (Kairo). Nekatere
sestre so že prišle iz vrst domačink.

1.01 Original Scientific Article
UDC 27-788-055.2(620=163.6)

Bogdan Kolar: The School Sisters among the Slovene Emigrants in Egypt. Review for
History and Ethnography, Maribor 89=54(2018), 3, pp. 145–168

The Slovene School Sisters from Maribor, instigated by the Franciscan priests, decided
to take over a new type of pastoral work in 1908. They joined the Slovene immigrants
in Egypt and opened the first establishment in Alexandria. They founded a shelter for
Slovene girls and women and an elementary school for Slavic children. They unfolded a variety of social and ecumenical activities. The second establishment was opened in
Cairo in 1929. Because the community of the School Sisters divided into provinces in
1922, the two houses in Egypt became part of the Italian Province. The School Sisters
were the first Slovene female order to work among the Slovene emigrants around the
world. After World War II, the two institutions in Egypt were designed for seniors
(Alexandria) and for students from Arabic countries (Cairo). Among the Sisters, there
had already been some local students.