1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 328:725.1(497.1)

Jure Gašparič: Parlamentarna zgradba v prvi Jugoslaviji. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje,
Maribor 85=50(2014), 4, str. 19–34

Avtor izhaja iz metodološkega izhodišča, da parlament ni le politična institucija, kjer se sprejemajo zakoni in potrjujejo vlade, marveč veliko več. Parlament ima tudi širše družbene funkcije, ki jih realizira na različne načine, med drugim tudi skozi zgradbo, kjer parlament (institucija) dela. V razpravi predstavi kulturno-zgodovinske razsežnosti parlamentarnih zgradb in njihov pomen v prvi jugoslovanski državi.

1.01 Original Scientific Article
UDC 328:725.1(497.1)

Jure Gašparič: The Parliamentary Building in the First Yugoslavia. Review for History
and Ethnography, Maribor 85=50(2014), 4, pp. 19–34

The author founds his treatise on the methodological basis that a parliament is not merely a political institution, which passes laws and appoints governments, but much more. A parliament also has a wider social functions that are realised in many different ways, including through the building, in which the parliament (the institution) operates. The treatise presents the cultural and historical dimensions of the parliamentary buildings and their importance in the first Yugoslav state.